Useful information
Request for shipment
Request for disbursement account pro forma

Useful websites

www.bimco.org - Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO).

www.far-aerf.ru - Website of the Association of Russian Forwarders (АРЭ).

www.rs-head.spb.ru - Website of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (РМРС).

www.rosmorport.ru - Website of the FSUE "Rosmorport".

www.rivreg.ru - Website of the Russian River Register (РРР).

www.sozvezdye.org - Website of the oil and gas industry suppliers association «Sozvezdiye»

www.murmanshelf.ru - Website Arctic projects Contractors Association "Murmanshelf"

www.marinetraffic.com - Web service definition location of ships in the world's oceans and the arrival notification selected for tracking, ships in ports.

www.vesseltracker.com - This site is easу to monitor ships on-line and current sea ports, abundant of photos and various interactive maps for ease of on-line navigation.

www.portarrivals.com - This site provides information on the possible arrival of vessels at ports around the world. From the menu above you can view our information by port, region, vessel name or vessel type.

www.korabel.ru  - Popular information portal to get daily news, ads on crew employment, info on ships and equipment purchase and sale along with a full enough catalogue of marine industry enterprises.

www.seanews.ru - One of the most exhaustive news portal, providing the latest market news. News, analytics, reviews, events, vacancies etc.

www.infranews.ru - News logistics, container, marine, rail, road transport, and others. The statistics analyst. The opinions of experts.

www.trade.su - One of the biggest Russian trading sites. Tenders, bargains of contest, marketing research.

www.infoflot.ru - River fleet news along with cruise ship news in Russia and worldwide.

www.planet.iitp.ru - The only known site that gives an opportunity to download satellite images and maps of ice-circuits! 

Operational products -> Ice sheets -> White Sea (or any other list) -> circuit cards or the Terra (fragments). To save the picture, after opening the page with thumbnails of images, you need to select and then download it to press the right mouse button and select the menu item "save image as".

www.meteo.seamap.net.ua - Ice maps. 

www.aari.ru/ - Website of the State Scientific Center "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute". Arctic Ice Survey maps.

www.seawatch.mg.uoa.gr - Graphic view info on the wind force, sea state, air temperature, pressure, humidity etc.

http://earth.nullschool.net - Meteo site provides information on wind, air temperature, pressure, air masses movement etc. in graphical view.

www.passageweather.com - Website weather forecasts.

www.sailwx.info/wxobs/watertemp.phtml - Website weather forecasts.

www.meteocenter.net/lna.htm - Weather forecast at Varandey.

www.tidegauge.ru/ - Globe draft vessels in the ports of Azov and Rostov-on-Don.

www.kolamap.ru/arh/img/shtokman.html - Sightseeing Barents and Kara Seas card (field, structure).

https://portcall.marinet.ru - Port State Control Information System Module "Registration of calls and waste of ships in the seaports of the Russian Federation"

https://edata.customs.ru/ - Federal Customs Service - Personal account of the participant of foreign economic activity

https://lk.rs-class.org/regbook/regbookVessel - Register book of RMRS

http://www.equasis.org/ - data on foreign ships

https://www.parismou.org - data on the inspection of foreign ships under the Paris Memorandum

http://www.mapm.ru/Administration/OperativeInfo - operating PRIPs (West, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk)

http://www.mapm.ru/Construction?portId=1 - approach draft tables (port of Murmansk)

http://old.mapm.ru/viewships/view.asp  - online daily GDS (port of Murmansk)

http://glossary-of-terms.ru/?do=g&v=316&p=1  - marine cuts


Shipping line Arkhangelsk – Narian-Mar-Varandey

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Phone: +7-8182-650-900
Fax: +7-8182-656-111


Phone: +7-8152-45-6181
Fax: +7-8152-45-9713

Chartering Department Contacts

Ph:+7 8182 650-900 add. 110
Mob. +7 921 247 25 02

Ship’s operation department Contacts

Ph.+7 8182 650-900 add. 110
Mob. +7 921 247 25 02

Ph.+7 8182 650-900 add. 112
Mob. +7 921 247 25 00

Offshore project and towage department contacts

Andrey V. Danilov
Department Head
Ph.+7 8182 650-900 add.120
Mob. +7 921 247 25 52

Forwarding Department Contacts

Elena V. Santalova
Department Head
Ph.+7 8182 650-900 add. 125
Mob. +7 921 479 12 21

Agency Department Contacts

Ph.+7 8182 650-900 add. 130
Mob.+7 921 247 25 01
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